Fisterra Gardens Apartments

Managed by the Housing Authority of Lincoln County

Fisterra Gardens Apartments

101 Diversity Drive, Yachats, OR 97498

tel: 541-265-5326
TTY: 800-735-1232

Fisterra Gardens is a 25-unit low income tax credit rental property.  The property consists of 8 one-bedroom units and 17 two-bedroom units. The rents for all units have been reduced through financial subsidies and are set at a lower-than-market rent level to maintain affordability.


Your family must be income eligible to be qualified to live at Fisterra Garden Apts. Your annual income must not exceed the limit for your family size.


On the East side of Highway 101, north of city center next to Sea-Aire Assisted Living Center. See map and directions.

The Housing Authority of Lincoln County does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or gender identity, color, familial status, disability, marital status, or source of income.